Sunday, September 6, 2009



Yes, the province of New-Brunswick's listing is progressing well.
Already available are the listing from Albert to Kent counties, which include Carleton County where you will find HARTLAND, the 1282 feet, 390m World-record holder. This massive structure over the St-John River is probably one of the best-known landmark in Canada. Built in 1899, it was finally covered in 1921. Why the delay, well for a structure of this size, the population was still sparse and the cost of such an operation at a time where bridges and road were needed everywhere in Canada was kinda stretching the resources to their limits.

Also, the local clergy is said not to have liked the idea of a long dark place in the middle of town... it is said that the local priest petitioned for the bridge to remain uncovered but, the town prevailed in its efforts to shelter the bridge from the elements, thus the Hartland bridge became a covered bridge during the year 1921... nothing cold be found about the birth rate in Hartland following the event.



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